Friday, 17 March 2017

Weet-Bix HLC #3

On Sunday the 26 of Feburary I went to the Weet- bix tryathon. I woke up early and got dressed then me and Maddy headed of. we first of all put Maddys bike  away then we looked at the board that had the times on it. Then we went to or school tent and sat down we went and got breakfast after that then we watched and supported people that we knew finally it was time for our race so I took of my tracksuit pants and jersey then walked over to the pool. I swam and came first in my heat then ran to  maddy tagged her and she strted doing the bike. I waited for her and got dressed she finally came back and we went for the run then held our hands together and crossed the finish line. We got a medal each and a photo with Gemma Flynn.

The care values at showed is: Aim for and achieve the best in all your learning because I said I was going to cross that finish line and I did it.

Here are some photos

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