Saturday, 23 November 2013

Term 4 Written Language

WALT write a character description of a person we know very well.
We know we have achieved this when we …
-    have written about the person’s physical appearance (the way they look).
-    have written about the person’s behaviour (how they speak or act).
-    have written about how they affect other people (what do they do to make you notice them).
-    have written about the person’s environment and belongings.
-    used descriptive words to make a picture in the mind of the reader

Aunty Jody by Ashley White
My Aunty Jody always has a smile on her dial. She always wears dangly earrings and necklaces. She always tells jokes, and by the way, my Aunty Jody has a tall skinny body with freckles and coffee-marked teeth. She used to be pregnant and now her baby is born and it is a boy called Nate. Aunty Jody wears bright pink lipstick. She is the best Aunty you can ever have. My Aunty Jody lives in a small house but it has a big garden with Uncle Darren and as I told you, baby Nate, three dogs called Filly, George and the other one but I can not remember what it is called. I think that my Aunty Jody is the best.


You have used some good similes and some adjectives in your description to create that picture about Aunty Jody but I still need to know a little more about what she looks like.

Next steps:

1.    Try to organise your description into paragraphs – one about what she physically looks like, another about her personality/behaviour, and another about her environment/belongings.
2.   Try to start as many sentences with different words as you can.

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