Thursday, 29 June 2017
Monday, 26 June 2017
Careers Education C.V. Writing
In CAREERS EDUCATION we have been learning to write a skills based Curriculum Vitae.
A skills based C.V. focuses more on the skills that we have, rather than our work history.
Three things that I have learned about writing a Curriculum Vitae are:
- That your C.V. has to have superb punctuation and everything needs to be spelt right because it can make the difference between you getting the job and not getting the job.
- Making it short and sweet.
- I learnt that if you write down some of your personal interests it will make the person that is reading your C.V. want to know more about you.
Thursday, 22 June 2017
HLC distension #1
C4. Participate in the 40-hour famine; raise a minimum of $40
For this home learning challenge I did it with Maddy we went out the week before we did it and got sponsors we raised $50.90. We decided to do no furniture for 40 hours which meant we had to sleep on the floor for two nights, Eat our meals on the floor. Here is a photo of our bed we slept in.

The care value I showed was respect because we learnt respect for people who live like this on a daily basis.
The leadership trait I showed was goal focused because even though we really really really wanted too sit on furniture we didn't.
For this home learning challenge I did it with Maddy we went out the week before we did it and got sponsors we raised $50.90. We decided to do no furniture for 40 hours which meant we had to sleep on the floor for two nights, Eat our meals on the floor. Here is a photo of our bed we slept in.
The care value I showed was respect because we learnt respect for people who live like this on a daily basis.
The leadership trait I showed was goal focused because even though we really really really wanted too sit on furniture we didn't.
Technology distension #1
At tech this week we started of by watching a video of the worlds greatest 3D printer designs it was amazing some people have already made houses with 3D printers we then went onto making nets for different shapes after that we went to Mandarin we keep learning about how to pronounce different hobbies in Mandarin. When we got back from Mandarin it was time for morning tea after morning tea we made dices on tinker-cad I was the first finished unexpectedly then we did a kahoot quiz it was lots of fun after that it was time to go back to school.
The care value I showed was excellence because in Mandarine I tried my hardest to pronounce everything to the best of my abilities.
The leadership trait I showed was active thinking because when the dice on thinker-cad was a bit tricky I thought of some different strategies to get over it.
The care value I showed was excellence because in Mandarine I tried my hardest to pronounce everything to the best of my abilities.
The leadership trait I showed was active thinking because when the dice on thinker-cad was a bit tricky I thought of some different strategies to get over it.
Librarian distinction #1
At librarian this week I went on duty two times my first one was my normal Tuesday duty then I went on again on Wednesday at 2:00-2:30 to help out a year 2 class I will be telling you about this duty. When we got to the library me and Johanna started of by putting all the books away after that the class arrived we had to return all the books and put them away then we had to get all the students in the class books out I have to say this duty has been the hardest yet.
The care value I showed was community because I helped out at the library when it was needed.
The leadership trait I showed was trustworthy because I was trusted to do that duty and I did it.
The care value I showed was community because I helped out at the library when it was needed.
The leadership trait I showed was trustworthy because I was trusted to do that duty and I did it.
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references
WALT: Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references
Assessment task: Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references
To complete this task you will need a paper copy of the treasure map - These are in Mrs Stinson's drawer in the Whanau zone -please ask her for one. You will need to complete the task here and add a photo of your treasure map when it is done to this document and then turn in.
- Firstly go south 2km
- Then go west 1km
- After that keep going west 2km
- Now go north 2km and you will find your buried treasure but first you will have to dig and dig until you find the treasure
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Helping cook excellence #10
Today I went to the hall at lunch time to help make some dip with Mr McAven. We started of by opening the beetrout can and opening the chick peas. We then put that all into a blender. After that we put a little bit of olive oil and some salt we blended it all up but at stages we had to stop the blender and scrap down some big chunks from the side of the blender. After that we put the dip into small bowls then put some tinfoil on top.
The care value I showed was community because I helped out around the school when it was needed
The leadership trait I showed was active thinking because when the dip was going up the side I problem solved and scraped it done.
The care value I showed was community because I helped out around the school when it was needed
The leadership trait I showed was active thinking because when the dip was going up the side I problem solved and scraped it done.
Sunday, 11 June 2017
Describe patterns of reflection, rotation, & translation
- To create the top left hand N you have to rotate the blue 7 anticlockwise 180d on the middle of the longest right hand side and make the new 7 red
- To create the right hand top N you have to rotate clockwise the previous N from the bottom right hand corner 90d clockwise
- To create the bottom right hand corner N you will have to translate the top left hand N to the bottom right hand corner and rotate 180d clockwise
- To create the bottom left hand corner you will have to rotate anticlockwise the top left hand corner N 90d and translate from top left corner to bottom right corner
Garden to Table excellence #9
At garden to table today I was working with Maddy we had eight children with us. Our job was to take the bark from one side of the field to the other and spread it out evenly on a pathway we started off by getting the wheelbarrow and some spades and shovels we then started piling the bark onto the wheelbarrow then toke the wheelbarrow over to the others side of the field and started spreading it out evenly throughout the pathway. At the end we gave all the children a high five and toke them back to class it was so much fun.
The care value I showed was respect because I respected that they were younger than us and couldn't lift as much as Maddy and I could.
The leadership trait I showed was motivivatinal because I motivated the children to help to there best of there abilitys.
The care value I showed was respect because I respected that they were younger than us and couldn't lift as much as Maddy and I could.
The leadership trait I showed was motivivatinal because I motivated the children to help to there best of there abilitys.
Monday, 5 June 2017
Garden to table excellence #8
This week at garden to table I was one of the people chosen to do the cooking, I was so excited. We started of by Mr McAven telling us what we were cooking he said there will be four people cooking rhubarb sauce and two people making feijoa ice cream I really wanted to make the ice cream and guess what... I got chosen and so was Izzy. We started off by talking to the students about what all the different ingredients are called, then we put all the ingredients into the blender and blended them up and thats how we made it. Izzy and I moved all the ice cream over to the serving table (we were giving the ice cream to the year 1s) and put two teaspoons into little paper cupcake holders then the people who made the rhubarb sauce dribbled a little bit on top. I absolutely loved making all the ice cream I wish I could do it again
The care value I showed was respect because I respected they were younger than us and didn't know as much.
The leadership trait I showed was integrity by being open and honest with Mr McAven by asking him what I should be doing and what he expected of me.
The care value I showed was respect because I respected they were younger than us and didn't know as much.
The leadership trait I showed was integrity by being open and honest with Mr McAven by asking him what I should be doing and what he expected of me.
Saturday, 3 June 2017
Form and Solve simple Linear Equations.
In Maths we have been learning to solve one and two step linear equations.
Here are the IXL screenshots that show evidence of my learning.
Extended Abstract Activities.
My next learning step in Maths is to use graphs, tables and rules to describe linear relationships because I haven't learnt much in this area of maths yet.
Thursday, 1 June 2017
SWZ Cross country excellence #7
This week I went to the south west zone cross country which was held at the quarry, I came first at the school cross country which allowed me to go to this event. When I arrived at the event I could only see like 20m in front of me because it was so foggy. My friend Maddy and I just hung round for ages waiting for our race when our race finally came round I stretched and warmed up then went over to the starting line the race started I was coming third and Maddy was coming second there was this other girl that was way ahead but she got tired quickly so Maddy and I both bumped up a space. Then few minutes later we were tied we basically tied the whole way until right at the end when I really dug it in and ended up coming first in the south west zone.
The care value I showed was represent Oaklands school positively because I tried my hardest and respected all the marshals.
The leadership trait I showed was resilence because I kept trying and trying until I got to the finish line eventhough I felt like giving up a few times.
The care value I showed was represent Oaklands school positively because I tried my hardest and respected all the marshals.
The leadership trait I showed was resilence because I kept trying and trying until I got to the finish line eventhough I felt like giving up a few times.
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