WALT: I can generalise properties of multiplication and division with whole numbers
First task link
Second task link
My next step is to use this knowledge in my general day to day life.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Write an effective argument for our chosen political party
WALT: Write an effective argument for our chosen political party.
Have you voted yet? Well if you haven’t you should start thinking long and hard about who you are going to vote for because Natinal by fare have the best policies and the best man Bill English. Simply I strongly believe that National is the best party to vote for and so should you and in addition, you will get the most out of your life in New Zealand. For instance, they are going to make National Standards Information more detailed and available online for New Zealanders. Also they are allowing policemen to search cars and houses for firearms without a warrant in some cases, they also want to rebuild the hospital in Dunedin which is amazing isn’t it. So let’s start talking about Nationals first great policy for making national standards information more detailed and available online.
Firstly National have made a policy announcement that they are going to make National Standards Information more detailed and available online for New Zealanders. For example, National are going to spend $45,000,000 on making more National Standards Curriculum Information available online to allow parents to monitor their children to meeting the standards. This a great policy because parents need to be informed about how their child/ren are going at school. Also another reason, this is also a truly amazing policy is that parents don’t want to have to wait until their child/ren get there reports to find out how they're going because in result, there is no time to make them work harder to achieve there standards. Another astonishing policy National has announced is they are going to allow police to search cars and houses for firearms etc without a warrant in some cases.
Secondly National said they are going to allow police to search cars and houses for firearms without a warrant in some cases. For example, this means National are going to give police new powers to search cars and houses without a warrant. National estimates that, together with its other policies on reducing drug dealing, this would cost $42 million dollars over four years. Spending money this way is great because this will result in, a better healthier New Zealand. This is a great benefit to New Zealand because we want to make sure everyone who owns a firearm is using it for the right purpose otherwise, who knows what New Zealand will turn out like. Another reason, this a a good policy is that it we want to reduce the amount of illegal activities with firearms. As well as letting police search cars and houses for firearms without a warrant they have also announced that they want to build a hospital in Dunedin.
Last but not least National made a policy announcement they want to build a hospital in Dunedin. National believes the people of Dunedin and the wider Southern community deserve quality hospital care. But the Dunedin Hospital requires rebuilding because a previous plan to rebuild just the services block would cost too much for too little improvement. They have estimated it will cost $1.2 to $1.4 billion and would consider funding the construction through a public private partnership. For example, this is a wonderful policy because everyone in New Zealand need to be close to a decent hospital. So next is a very poor policy that Labour has announced for this election is about national standards.
Do you know what a absolutely rubbish policy labour are going to apparently do they are going to abolish national standards. This example, this means that national standards (Information about whether or not your child is achieving their standard ( yr ⅞ year 9/10 yr ⅚ ) ) will be gone and not used. Do you really want to be sitting round home wondering if your child is actually achieving anything at school I know I sure wouldn’t
however, National is going to make all national standard information more detailed and available online. in addition, if there is no national standards how do they figure out if your child is ready to aim for higher levels in their learning. Which results in, you not knowing how your child/ren is going at school. So what I am basically trying to say is don’t you want to know how your child/ren are going at school.
So there we go, I have told and explained to you why National is simply the best party to vote for. I strongly believe that National takes in and listens to make New Zealand the best it can be. So I have included, talking about national making national standards information more detailed and available online for new zealanders. Also they are allowing policemen to search cars and houses for firearms without a warrant in some cases, they also are going to rebuild the hospital in Dunedin. In addition, let’s get together and do this new zealand. Party vote National.
My next steps are: To be able to write a well constructed argument without much of a template set out for me.
Appropriate Scales, Devices, and Metric Units
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Letter Writing
In Writing we have been learning to: Write a formal letter.
We have followed the writing process and have planned and drafted a formal letter.
Here is a link to our online Modelling book.
This shows the process that we have followed.
Here is the letter that I have written ( Link the draft of your letter here)
Here is my reflection on the letter writing we have done.
One thing that I found challenging about writing formal letters was figiring out what words to use so that the letter was a formal letter not an informal letter.
My next step is: look for more opportunities to put my letter writing knowledge into practice in the future.
We have followed the writing process and have planned and drafted a formal letter.
Here is a link to our online Modelling book.
This shows the process that we have followed.
Here is the letter that I have written ( Link the draft of your letter here)
Here is my reflection on the letter writing we have done.
One thing that I found challenging about writing formal letters was figiring out what words to use so that the letter was a formal letter not an informal letter.
My next step is: look for more opportunities to put my letter writing knowledge into practice in the future.
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Maths - Convert between metric units, using whole numbers and commonly used decimals
WALT Convert between metric units, using whole numbers and commonly used decimals.
I have found this goal interesting because it is different to the other parts of math you have to actually do physical activities, I really enjoyed this aspect of it. Overall an enjoyable challenge for my maths.
Here are the links to my work
Task 1 (I can calculate speed)
Task 2 (How fast can you run 1km)
Task 3 (Speed of my throw or kick)
Task 4 (How fast can you sprint)
I have found this goal interesting because it is different to the other parts of math you have to actually do physical activities, I really enjoyed this aspect of it. Overall an enjoyable challenge for my maths.
Here are the links to my work
Task 1 (I can calculate speed)
Task 2 (How fast can you run 1km)
Task 3 (Speed of my throw or kick)
Task 4 (How fast can you sprint)
My next step is to use this knowlodge in my generel life.
Thursday, 24 August 2017
Maths - Integers and Decimals
In Maths we have been learning to….find the common multiples and factors of numbers.
Here is a link to our online modelling book
We have been solving equations for square roots, factors and multiples of numbers.
- Readability
- Accuracy
- Relevance
- Quality of language/ information.
My Next Step: Is to use this knowledge further by applying it to problem solving tasks and questions that I will solve in Maths.
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
Librarian distiction #10
This week at librarian Johanna and I started of by putting away all the books then we went around the library looking to see if there were any books out of place after that Mr Hillary came into the library. He made a comment about the video of a guy with an American accent reading books that Mrs Ward set up for younger students. He said that the librarians should record a video themselves Johanna Mrs Ward and I thought that was a great idea. Mrs Ward said we could have a meeting some day soon regarding Mr Hillary's comment.
The care value I showed was respect because I respected Mr Hillarys comment and acted on on.
The leadership trait I showed was trustworthy because I turned up to my duty like I said I would to Mrs Ward.
The care value I showed was respect because I respected Mr Hillarys comment and acted on on.
The leadership trait I showed was trustworthy because I turned up to my duty like I said I would to Mrs Ward.
Audition distinction #10
This week I voluntered to judge the talent show audition with Maddy we had three people to judge they were all year twos the first person to audition did a dance to "Beat it - Micheal Jackson" all I am going to say was that it was intersting and very long the secound person was doing jokes I have got to admit they were pretty funny he was the best of the lot but there wasn't really much compettion. The last one to perform was another boy doing gymnastics his perform went on for like 15 secounds so he got marked down for that all he did was a rollie pollie, cartwhell and rolled around the floor like a sausuage overall I bthink they all did pretty good considering how young they are.
The care value I showed was respect because I respected they are younger than us and not as capable.
The leadership trait I showed was active thinker because I thought really hard about the scores we were giving out.
The care value I showed was respect because I respected they are younger than us and not as capable.
The leadership trait I showed was active thinker because I thought really hard about the scores we were giving out.
Monday, 21 August 2017
Reading - Evaluate Author's Purpose
In reading we have been learning to evaluate writer's purposes and consider how they have used structure and language to suit these purposes. (e.g. I can make decisions about why the writer has written a piece of writing and how they have used particular structures and words to meet their purpose.)
Here is a link to our online modelling book
We have been evaluating how well an author has achieved their purpose based on:
- Specific Language choices made by authors.
- Specific Structure choices made by authors.
These documents show evidence of my learning during this unit:
My Next Step: Is to continue to apply this new knowledge and evaluate texts as I read them, checking to see that the author is meeting their intended purpose.
Sunday, 20 August 2017
Band Distinction #9
Today I got to band really late because I was having trouble unlocking the classroom my guitar was in so I only got five minutes of band practice but in the time we did have we had a run threw of the song we are practing ( Believer - Imagine Dragons ) We went threw the different strumming patterns amd when to come in and out. Then at the end we had to rush to pack up because the bell rang.
The care value I showed was: clean up after yourself because at the end when we had to pack up we did it fast and neatly.
The leadership trait I showed was resilience because I kept trying to unlock the door and didn't stop even though it took like ten minutes.
The care value I showed was: clean up after yourself because at the end when we had to pack up we did it fast and neatly.
The leadership trait I showed was resilience because I kept trying to unlock the door and didn't stop even though it took like ten minutes.
Librarian Distinction #9
This week at librarian Johanna and I put away the books in a flash because there wasn't many, then we went onto the desk to get and return peoples books thats my favourite part of doing librarian duty. When the line died down I went over to the computers to check out what books I still have to read for the forty book challenge so I can finish the challange by the end of the week.
The care value I showed was: Active thinking because I was active to go and make sure I knew what books I had left to read.
The leadership trait I showed was active thinker because I was active to go and make sure I knew what books I had left to read.
The care value I showed was: Active thinking because I was active to go and make sure I knew what books I had left to read.
The leadership trait I showed was active thinker because I was active to go and make sure I knew what books I had left to read.
Saturday, 12 August 2017
Choir distinction #8
This week at choir we started of by singing a warm up song then we did a few warm up exercises. after that we practiced doing rounds which is basically you get a very simple song such as twinkle twinkle little star and one group will start singing it then soon the other group will start while the other group is still doing there own part. Something I did well was I shared my music book with someone because they forgot theres.
The leadership trait I showed was: Trustworthy because when if I forgot my book I would relay and trust someone else will let me look at theres.
The care value I showed was: Communnity because I helped other people out when it was needed.
The leadership trait I showed was: Trustworthy because when if I forgot my book I would relay and trust someone else will let me look at theres.
The care value I showed was: Communnity because I helped other people out when it was needed.
Librarian distiction #8
This week at librarian Johanna and I put away the books in a flash because there wasn't many, then we went onto the desk to get and return peoples books thats my favourite part of doing librarian duty. When the line died down I went over to the computers to check out what books I still have to read for the forty book challenge I saw I still needed to read historical fiction so I asked Dabok if she had any suggestions because she has already read two books form that genre she suggested a book to me so I got it out.
The care value I showed was: Active thinking because when I didnt know what book to read for historical fiction I asked someone who was more than happy to help.
The leadership trait I showed was active thinker because when I didn't know what historical fiction book to choose I asked Dabok for some help.
The care value I showed was: Active thinking because when I didnt know what book to read for historical fiction I asked someone who was more than happy to help.
The leadership trait I showed was active thinker because when I didn't know what historical fiction book to choose I asked Dabok for some help.
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
Know the equivalent decimal and percentage forms for everyday fractions.
In Maths we have been learning:
- To convert between fractions, decimals , percentages and vice versa.
Here is a link to our online modelling book.
Here are the IXL screenshots that show evidence of my learning.
The most challenging part about this unit of learning was remembering what the steps of finding your answer was.
My next learning step in Maths is to apply this knowledge to help me solve a range of increasingly more complicated maths problem.
Monday, 7 August 2017
5/6 Winter sport distinction #7
This week on Friday I went to the year 5/6 winter sport hockey to help ref I am going to admit I was kinda nervous I reefed the B team because it was my first time when we got there I took the team for a warm up I took them for my hockey on a Saturday warm up none of them could keep up something I found hard when reefing was that sometimes I couldn't see who hit the ball out then some people would get angry at me
The care valueI showed was respect because I respected that some people might disagree with what I call.
The leadership trait I showed was motivational because when our team or the other team was hitting into the goal I motivated them to get in the goal even though it might not of been our team.
The care valueI showed was respect because I respected that some people might disagree with what I call.
The leadership trait I showed was motivational because when our team or the other team was hitting into the goal I motivated them to get in the goal even though it might not of been our team.
Sunday, 6 August 2017
Librarian distinction #7
This week I went to the library on Wednesday. I started of putting way the books with Johanna then I went to the desk to check out peoples books for a while. Then it got busy I was helping people use the laptops and a few younger students find book for there age group. I was showing I was goal focused because I was looking at the at the 40 book challenge photos and people were asking me where to find different genres of books they wouldn't usually read.
The care value I showed was: Be a positive role model because when I was looking at the 40 book challenge people asked me questions and where getting more encouraged to do it.
The leadership trait I showed was motivational Because I motivated people to read different genres and go out of there comfort zone.
The care value I showed was: Be a positive role model because when I was looking at the 40 book challenge people asked me questions and where getting more encouraged to do it.
The leadership trait I showed was motivational Because I motivated people to read different genres and go out of there comfort zone.
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
I can apply the strategy to problem solving questions
I can apply the strategy to problem solving questions
Complete these three questions below
I figured she could save money by walking to school and not having a hot chocolate because it would be free then I considered there might be a couple rainy days.
Walk to school three days a week and not by a hot chocolate
Bus to school two days a week
Kelly will save $16.50 a week
Please note: a magic square is like this
6 1 5
3 4 5
3 7 2
Here every row and column equals the same - in the case above they all equal 12..
I simplified them all so the denominator was 6 for all of them then I had to determine the number in the middle I added all the numbers together which was 24/6 and three times 8/6 must be the middle number then I made all the columns add to 24/6 then I simplified them all to the table below.
4/3 3/2 7/6
7/6 4/3 3/2
3/2 7/6 4/3
Monday, 31 July 2017
Band distinction #6
On Wednesday at band we started setting up and when I was waiting for everybody else to get ready with their instruments I learnt how to play twinkle twinkle little star on the keyboard. My friend Maddy and I thought it was to slow to play on guitar so we sped it up and Mr Rule really liked it that way which was good hopefully next time I could try learn a new song on the keyboard.
The care value I showed was: Aim and achieve for the best in all my learning I am doing this by trying to learn a new song next time on the keyboard.
The leadership trait I showed was excellence because I tried really hard to find a better way to perform the song.
The leadership trait I showed was excellence because I tried really hard to find a better way to perform the song.
Librarian distinction #6
At librarian duty today we started putting the most enormous pile of books away, then Johanna went to the librarians desks to check out books. As soon as she got there the three bells rang and everybody thought they were meant to go to there classes but they were are actually aloud to stay in the library
so for the last ten minutes of lunch we didn't really have a lot to do because there was only one person left.
The care value I showed was: Use your time wisely because at the start I didn't slack of when tackling the enormous pile.
The leadership trait I showed was Resilence because I keeped trying and trying to get all the books put away from the pile.
so for the last ten minutes of lunch we didn't really have a lot to do because there was only one person left.
The care value I showed was: Use your time wisely because at the start I didn't slack of when tackling the enormous pile.
The leadership trait I showed was Resilence because I keeped trying and trying to get all the books put away from the pile.
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
Term 2 book review
This book is called "They let me write a book" by Jamie Curry it is about her life but the thing about it is that this person is a New Zealander if you read this book you will find out all about how this amazing teenager became famous. There are a lot of very intriguing stories that will leave you hanging her stories are hilarious this book is very fascinating the moral of the book is saying that girls can do anything.
You will have to read this book to find out what happens in Jamie Currys fascinating life.
You will have to read this book to find out what happens in Jamie Currys fascinating life.
Saturday, 22 July 2017
HLC distinction #5
E5. Contact an employer and arrange to do at least 4 hours work experience. Take photos to show as evidence.
For this HLC the first thing I started thinking about was where I was going to go I settled on my dad work he is an accountant at leech and partners. I went on Tuesday the 18th I was there 8:00-12:00 I started of by doing quite a lot of filing (it was very boring) then I went around asking others if they needed any help so I did a few wee things and before I knew it it was 12:00 which meant time to go home.
The car value I showed was: active thinking because when I finished filing I didn't just sit there and do nothing I found something decent to do.
The leadership trait I showed was: active thinker because when I finished filing I didn't just sit there and do nothing I found something decent to do.
For this HLC the first thing I started thinking about was where I was going to go I settled on my dad work he is an accountant at leech and partners. I went on Tuesday the 18th I was there 8:00-12:00 I started of by doing quite a lot of filing (it was very boring) then I went around asking others if they needed any help so I did a few wee things and before I knew it it was 12:00 which meant time to go home.
The car value I showed was: active thinking because when I finished filing I didn't just sit there and do nothing I found something decent to do.
The leadership trait I showed was: active thinker because when I finished filing I didn't just sit there and do nothing I found something decent to do.
Guitar distinction #5
This week at guitar we started of by tuning our guitars then just sort of playing around we started of by talking about what songs we want to perform then we went threw them we practiced five songs which was a lot of fun then we talked about where we have to be and when overall this guitar lesson was heaps of fun because w got to practiced the songs we were the best at.
The care value I showed was respect because I turned up on time to practice
The leadership trait I showed was trustworthy because I turned up to my lesson like I said I would.
The care value I showed was respect because I turned up on time to practice
The leadership trait I showed was trustworthy because I turned up to my lesson like I said I would.
Librarian distension #5
This week at librarian I started of like every other week putting all the books away after that I went round reading books to younger students which is heaps of fun. After that I sat down at the desk to check out and return peoples books later there were more books to put away so me and Johanna did that.
The care value I showed was resect because I turned up to my duty on time.
The leadership trait I showed trustworthy because I turned up to my duty on time like I said I would.
The care value I showed was resect because I turned up to my duty on time.
The leadership trait I showed trustworthy because I turned up to my duty on time like I said I would.
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
HLC distinction #4
A2. Use a creative ICT tool to make a present for someone. (Eg. a calendar, birthday card)
This week for this home learning challenge I started of by finding a website to make an calendar on I found canva after that I made the calendar I incorporated photos of things my family love doing I gave this to my family I found some things challenging on canva so I problem solved and figured out how to get past these weaknesses.
The care value I showed was active thinking because I thought of a good pictures to put on my calendar so they have a meaning.
The leadership trait I showed was resilient because when I was in the pit I figured out different strategies and tried different things to get out of the pit.
Librarian distiction #4
This week at library it was a little bit different because a) Johanna wasn't there and b) Mrs Ward was sick this was the first time this has happened it started off like every other day putting all the books away after that I went to the desk to check out and return everybody' s books then I took the time to get to know the lady that was working at the library I found out that she went to Rangi RuRu and her mother is Mrs Trotter.
The car value I showed was respect because I toke the time to find out more about someone I didn't know much about.
The leadership trait I showed was trustworthy because I turned up even if Johanna and Mrs Ward aren't there.
Performing distension #4
Today I performed kapahaka, choir, band and in senior guitar the first performance I did was senior kapahaka we performed five songs we knew more but we didn't have enough time to perform we had fifteen minutes for every performance we did the second performance I did was choir as soon as I finished kapahaka i went straight to the radio room to get ready for senior choir we performed five songs like kapahaka we even performed some of the same songs after that I went back to the classroom to grab my music for the choir performance I had time to spare and I had finished SML so I asked Mrs Casey if me and Maddy could go out and shoot hoops she was fine with it before we knew it it was time to go to choir so we went oven for choir we performed three songs called purea nei, Africa and blue skies they were all very enjoyable to sing my last performance of the day was the one I was most nervous about it was senior band because our school has never had a band before the weird thing about the band was that there is actually no one singing so its basically a whole load of instruments if I am going to be totally honest it was very embarrassing a) My friend Maddy was calling out the chords but she was doing it a lot louder then what she was meant to be doing so most people laughed and b) it was the year 7/8 students watching so it made it even more embarrassing when they giggled under there breath. Overall I guess the open day went pretty well so I went home feeling good about myself.
The care value I showed was respect because I showed up to everything on time which showed I wasn't letting anyone done.
The leadership trait I showed was trustworthy because when I said I would turn up on time I turned up in time.
The care value I showed was respect because I showed up to everything on time which showed I wasn't letting anyone done.
The leadership trait I showed was trustworthy because when I said I would turn up on time I turned up in time.
Friday, 7 July 2017
Choir distionsion #3
This week at choir we started of by singing "One call away" by Charlie Puth it was lots of fun because most people haven't sung it in a while. After that we learnt a new song called "I can see clearly now" Johny Nash it was quite dull but we are going to add some harmonies to it to make it sound better and more interesting for others to listen too.
The care value I showed was respect because I turned up on time like I said I would.
The leadership trait I showed was goal focused because I tried my hardest to remeber all the words to the new song we learnt.
The care value I showed was respect because I turned up on time like I said I would.
The leadership trait I showed was goal focused because I tried my hardest to remeber all the words to the new song we learnt.
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Graphs, tables and rules.
In Maths we have been using to: use graphs, tables and rules to describe linear relationships found in number and spatial patterns.
EVIDENCE of my learning.
Here are some screenshots to show the IXL activities I have completed.
Here are some photos of my Extended abstract problem solving task.
My next step is to continue to apply what I have learned in a range of problem solving activities.
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
Librarian excellence #3
This week at the librarian I started of by putting all the books away. After that I helped a couple of people choose a book out that fitted what they liked reading then I went over to the computer to check out and return peoples books.
The care value I showed was community because I helped people get books out that suite what they enjoy reading about.
The leadership trait I showed was active thinker because I thought of a good book for the people that needed suggestions.
The care value I showed was community because I helped people get books out that suite what they enjoy reading about.
The leadership trait I showed was active thinker because I thought of a good book for the people that needed suggestions.
Term 2 Novel Study
This term I have been reading and studying the novel See Ya Simon
I found this novel f because
During the novel I had to complete a thinking map which shows that I can classify how the author has shown the theme of the book.
- Link to Classify Map Classify Map
National Standard this covers
Year 7/8 Standard
Year 7/8 Standard
- I can identify and evaluate the way writers’ use language and ideas to suit their purpose and I can use my growing wide range of academic and content-specific vocabulary to understand texts.
Overall I would give this novel a rating of 8/10 and I would / would not recommend it to others to read because It is very inspiring to make the most of your life.
Monday, 3 July 2017
HLC distension #3
R8.. Offer to help around home without being asked 10 times. Document what you have done.
I decided to do this home learning challenge this week because I have been doing a lot of chores around the house and want to document them. Here is a chart showing when and what I did.
The care value I showed was excellence because I put heaps of effort into every job I did.
The leadership trait I showed was resilience because when I was organising the container cupboard it toke a long time to fit everything back in but I kept going until it was done.
I decided to do this home learning challenge this week because I have been doing a lot of chores around the house and want to document them. Here is a chart showing when and what I did.
What you did:
Clean out the container cupboard and organize it.
Helped my parents take the furniture in and out of the house when we got new carpet.
Set the table.
Shut the curtains around the house.
Unload the dishwasher.
Set the table.
Unset the table.
Open the curtains around the house.
Folded the clothes.
Take the laundry in from on the clothesline.
The care value I showed was excellence because I put heaps of effort into every job I did.
The leadership trait I showed was resilience because when I was organising the container cupboard it toke a long time to fit everything back in but I kept going until it was done.
Current Events Term 2, 2017
WALT: I can successfully research a current event.
The National Standard that I have been aiming for during this unit of learning is
- Year7/8: I can use appropriate skills and technologies to find and use a range of texts for specific purposes.
Each week we have read a short text about a current event/ topic. We then formed questions based on what we had read. After this we researched the answers to our questions and finally we gave our opinions on what we had found out.
Here is some evidence of my learning.
Describe Map One - Hillary Step Collapses
Describe map Two - NZ Supermarkets to become microbead free.
My Next Step is to continue to apply the reading and research skills that I have learned in a variety of other areas.
Music Term 2
For Music this term, three things I learnt were:
1. How to make a rap and rap it.
2. I have learnt about where artists are from.
3. I learnt one artist for every letter in the alphabet
Something I found challenging was getting the rap to sound right not to just sound like a rhyming poem.
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